OMG it hurts!!
It’s the right expression to start with today’s story that’s about a day full of action, workouts, circuit sessions and more & more & more. We had our practical assessment where each of us had to be the ‘instructor of the hour’ for 6 others and present our planned circuit with intro, demo and action.
Yesterday the entire day went in preparing myself for the practicals, all the planning of the stations (8), LAP around it, warm up, cool downs, progressions, regressions and the famous circuit training cards, by the time I slept it was midnight. These circuit training cards are funny (my definition) as they should demonstrate what we are going to do in action with stick men but to get them right in appearance is quiet a challenge, took me the longest to show how a person or ‘stick man’ using a medicine ball to do a Russian twist would look like. Have a look at the pictures I have enclosed to know what I mean (please don’t laugh at my sketches, ok maybe a little ?). It all sounds interesting and truly it is, once you have the basics and ground all covered.
So back to our morning, we were set up in 3 studios and given 5 minutes each to do our setups, I attended another colleague’s session before my turn came to be assessed. All I can say, it was a circuit after all that demanded the workout to the best of our muscles abilities. Then came my turn and it went pretty well, all grounds covered, intro, circuits labeled, warm up, cool down, stretches, etc. (Few points as feedback received for my future in group training, that’s right I am officially qualified!) Although I was not sure what was harder – giving a class or receiving 5 classes as participants by the end of the day. Around 3 pm, I checked my watch and I had crossed 1300 calories during these sessions, with all the core, upper body, lower body workouts, with & without weights, with a hold or in speed. And now sitting in the bus on my way home, typing all of this I feel fine, although my abs and some muscles still hurt.
It was indeed a productive day, I feel circuit training is something I would like to explore more, let’s see … who knows.. everyday feels like one step closer to my dream and increases my confidence even more that it can happen, one day it will happen.