22 April 2016
The start of a new journey called LIFE!
Sitting in a flight and almost landing in London, I felt right to start writing about my experience so far and feelings more than a month of winding up and closing cases to make it an official wrap up from Dubai after 10 years.
How does it feel? Confident, great, exciting, a bit of nervousness and curious to see how the next two months go. My journey starts with a week in London to see my brother and join his experience with London Marathon on Sunday followed by a detailed orientation of the place. What’s the weather like? The system says it’s 10 degrees brrrrrr.. I have my jacket ready and all that I have to carry in my brain before I leave the aircraft. Suddenly while writing this, the clouds move and I can see London from high above. It’s cloudy, wintery and looks lovely, been 8 years since I last came. The clouds are actually moving too fast and I can hear the passengers in the front discussing their journey from here ranging to a drive lasting for an hour or so. The kids surprisingly are not crying, they are busy chatting with the others or themselves. What am I thinking? Where to start from… 5 minutes to go and we are declining, am gonna enjoy the views now. And .. It’s raining 🙂 my friends were right, I won’t miss the sun here so can hope my tan that I inherited from Dubai to sustain, if not increase.
My brother and his girlfriend who I haven’t met yet will be at the airport to greet me to their city and we shall go home together. Super super excited as finally I get to spend some time with him and be present for his Marathon on Sunday.